Congratulations Santas! Even though we don't organise the Santathon as a race there are those of you who have a competitive streak. We aren't able to take note of individual times but a special congratulations must go to the 1st and 2nd place adult runners Jason Howell and Hannah Train and the 1st and 2nd place child runners Scott Law and Lewis Roberts. If you didn't pick up your prize please let us know so we can post it out to you!
Last year the event raised £26,000 with 480 participants, which was wonderful! But, only 40% returned any sponsorship. The entry fee only covers our costs so it is really important that people remember Leukaemia CARE over the Christmas period and send in their sponsorship. The deadline is 31st January.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!
For help information or support with a leukaemia, lymphoma or a myeloma call 0800 169 6680 or visit www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
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