Lisa Borland recently sent a cheque for over £270, money which she raised for Leukaemia CARE at her 40th Birthday celebrations last weekend at the Dog Inn in Water Orton, Birmingham.

"My mum was diagnosed with Myelodysplasia in Oct 02 so the search then began for a bone-marrow donor but mum took a turn for the worse and at Christmas we were given the devastating news it had developed to AML. It was too late for her to receive a transplant so she started a trial of an intense course of chemotherapy but caught an infection which she was too weak too fight. Mum passed away on 26th Jan 03 aged 55. I decided to do this for Leukaemia CARE in memory of my mum as I needed her to be a part of my celebrations somehow and this was the perfect answer. I set up a just giving web page for donations and my local pub (where I was having the party) and I organised a raffle and then the darts team organised a knockout tournament with player’s paying to enter. Money was also raised by the darts team asking people to play a lottery type card with the proceeds being donated but most of the winner’s donated their prize as well. The Leukaemia CARE website provided me with a lot of information and even though I could not find the words to post on the forum or phone the CARE line I took great comfort reading the forum and felt that others understood and were there to help if I needed. I hope this donation will play a small part in Leukaemia CARE being able to carry on with their great work."

Leukaemia CARE would like to say a great big thank you to you and your supporters, including everyone at the Dog Inn. We hope your journey gets easier with time, we'll be thinking of you. Please remember to call on us whenever you need to.
For help information or support with a leukaemia, lymphoma or a myeloma call 0800 169 6680 or visit
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