Douglas swam the English Channel to raise money for Leukaemia CARE, with Frances' name printed on his swimsuit. He asked us to print their story in our magazine for Frances to read but unfortunatly his sister-in-law passed away before we were able to. Our most sincere thoughts go out to the Spall family and our very best wishes and sincere thanks go to Douglas for his huge fundraising achievements.
I was sitting on the bed of my sister-in-law who was dying of cancer, stroking her hand. My mobile rang, I was told its time to swim the channel to france. She was fading, I kissed her head and said "I will see you tomorow! I have to swim the channel now, for you." We exchanged glances and smiled, I set of from her home in Guildford to my home, grabbed my things and headed to Dover. I set off about 4am ish in the dark of night. Around 08:40 whilst I was swimming she died, I pictured her in my mind whilst swimming, no way would I stop. I had this 1 chance to do this for her, after several hrs I could not picture on the bed fading anymore. I could only see her smiling like she always did with her grin and big brown eyes. I knew she would not make it into Tuesday. She died whilst I swam :-(I did not know till after I finished. Even though they knew on the boat, they just kept encouraging me. This swim has taken me 2yrs to become equipped and ready, but the hardest part is mental strength; that part I learned from Frances, she never once gave up hope, and when she knew she was going to die, she hid it from her kids as long as possible never complaining, always effervescent. I hope to God I meet another Frances Spall, and we become friends. every one needs someone like that.
To sponsor Douglas after his massive swim visit: dougie osborne's just giving website (http://www.justgiving.com/jellyfish)
or his raceforlife site (http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/helenshreeve

For help information or support with a leukaemia, lymphoma or a myeloma call 0800 169 6680 or visit www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
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