Intrepid fundraiser, Sharon Cherry, has signed up with Leukaemia CARE to undertake the Kilimajaro Trek challenge, raising much needed funds for the charity at the same time! Below is a summary from Sharon about how she is busy raising the required amount of sponsorship to get her to Kilimanjaro:-
"As the amount to raise (£3,400) was quite high, I automatically set a plan in place of what I can do, who I could approach, and how much I would charge. The activities to date are; sewing trouser hems, weeding gardens, car cleaning, car boot sales, ironing, cake sales and selling car parking spaces at work. Donations have been high, largely due to a very generous contribution from my dad, plus my employers' 'Community Cashback Award' of £500.
I thought there is no point thinking you will just be handed £3,400 in sponsorship alone and I set to raising this with an urgency so that I felt it was all under control. I wrote letters to every business and shop in my large village asking for their support in sponsorship or raffle prizes. From 21 letters sent I have receieved 2 cheques and 7 raffle prizes, including a bouquet of flowers and fish & chips twice!
At the time of writing, I have about £480 to go and a few more ideas to help me achieve this. I will be selling the excess 'Old English' variety apples from my allotment, teaching someone to sew and last but not least, holding a raffle.
I took this challenge on to be an exciting thing to look forward to and aim towards and it has certainly been that. Apart from cleaning cars of my day off I've loved it!
Everyone can do something that someone will pay for, it's just your time you are giving away."
We are very proud of Sharon's effort, and her activites go to show that a bit of ingenuity and effort go a long way when settign yourself a goal such as hers. For further information or ideas about fundraising, please contact us on: 0845 521 3456