Our fantastic runner from Milton Keynes Chris Worton wore the Bertie suit in Sunday's London Marathon: what an achievement! He even made it onto the bbc, to see the footage click here. Looking relatively fresh too at the post race party! Here are a few pics from the day:Our team of student and professional massage therapist volunteers helped ease the aches and pains of almost 60 runners who attended the party. They had a great day too and we'd like to thank them all for their time and effort. It was a long day for staff and volunteers, setting out from Worcester at 5.30am and getting back at 10.30approx. Still, it was well worth it and we loved meeting our wonderful runners and their families!

The final word comes from our runners:
Daniel Wagener:
Many thanks for your email and your and your colleagues support before and after the race.
It was a very difficult race and I really struggled after 30k but managed to finish in the respectable time of 3:57.
It was a shame that I could not make it to the post race party but I had quite a few people over to support me and did not want to swamp the venue!
Altogether I have now raised c. £4,700 which I am sure you will be able to put to good use. Most of the sponsoring was done via the justgiving site (http://www.justgiving.com/daniellondon09)...
Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to run the marathon and raise money on your behalf and perhaps if the memories about the painful run this year have faded I can do it again!
Glen Tinton:
Hi Nicky, Clare. A big thanks for allowing me to run, albeit perhaps yesterday around mile 20 I possibly was not thinking that same sentiment. I set out to raise £2000 and look like hitting £3550.
Nick Elia:
Hi Guys, Just a quick email to say thanks for Sunday. I thought the venue and the facilities were great. You made us feel like heroes
The massage students were also great so if you could send on my thanks it would be appreciated.
I limped home in 5hrs 17 mins … not the time I was hoping but at least got round in one piece. That was my fourth London Marathon on the trot and my third for Leukaemia Care – I would like to say it gets easier every year but unfortunately it doesn’t !
I have already applied again for next year’s Virgin London Marathon but would like to accept one of your allocated charity places for next year. I will of course raise funds for you if I get a place in the ballot.
Chris Worton:
Thanks very much for all the fantastic help and support provided by all of the LC team at the weekend, it is just what we need after the hard work and stress of the marathon – lots of care and pampering.
Fleur Stafford
Was a brilliant day and I will definately do another one if only to beat my time which I am disappointed with. I finished in 4.53 which is quite a bit slower than expected but the heat, crowds, dodgey tummy all contributed to that one! The first 16 miles were fab and I was on track for 4.20 and then I felt incredibly sick for a few miles (gels, heat, nerves...) and then back on track for the last 6 miles but by then it was too late to worry too much about my time so I just cruised along and had a great time for the last hour.
I felt brilliant on Sunday and even yesterday but think I have the post marathon blues today...what on earth am I supposed think and talk about now!!?? Already thinking of my next challenge!!
Nick Cochran and Natalie Bogaerts:
We had a fantastic day and are already thinking about 2010 despite the pain!
Thank you and the team on the day for being such a nice, helpful and thoughtful group of people. Every time someone saw we were with Leukaemia Care they checked we were ok, gave us water, offered to show us to the Naval and Military club and made us feel so special!
The facilities were perfect, nice and clean and private for a quick shower, then downstairs for a massage or food and drinks.
10/10 for everything. We're going to enter the London ballot this week and will run for you next year if we are successful, we are also looking to do some fund raising when we run in the Royal Parks race in October.
Wow, thank you guys!